When The Paintbrush Takes Over- Faye Waterlow

When artist Faye Waterlow paints, the paintbrush, she says, to a certain extent takes over. Hers is an innate (and meanwhile highly skilled) talent rediscovered during a lockdown watercolour course. Now, her stunning layered paintings create a coral reef of colour in her Brodick studio, as Emily Rose Mawson discovers when she chats to Faye …

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Sacred play: Assja Solveiga Baumgärtner-Gaile

  Inspired by Arran’s patterns, textures and history, Arran Open Studios jeweller and painter Assja Solveiga Baumgärtner-Gaile plays with technique in creations made of sea glass, recycled silver and old electric wires, discovers writer Emily Rose Mawson. It’s a perfect spring day, the kind with puffy clouds and sun-dappled hawthorn blossom, when I drive the …

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Arran Open Studios Exhibits on the Mainland

  In April, we Arran Open Studios,  had our first exhibition on the mainland, in The Harbour Arts Centre in Irvine. The exhibition featured 61 artworks from 31 participating artists from Arran. The idea behind this venture was to raise the profile of the AOS weekend and the profile of Arran’s visual arts and crafts …

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Arran Open Studios-It’s a wrap!

 Bunting fluttered, conversations flowed, and Arran artworks found new homes. Arran Open Studios 2023 has been and gone. Here our writer Emily Rose Mawson reports on a wonderful weekend of art. “If anyone is interested and can get to the Arran Open Studios event, it is really wonderful,” reads one comment on social media. Another …

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Made of Nature

Arran Open Studios: Made of nature  Arran is known as “the Arts Island”, with talented artists and craftspeople at work in every nook and crannie. Two weeks before they welcome visitors for Arran Open Studios 2023, our writer Emily Rose Mawson heads to the east coast villages of Lamlash and Brodick to catch up with …

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New Masters

It’s two months until Arran Open Studio’s 2023! In this month’s tour of participating studios, writer Emily Rose Mawson discovers David Bowie in glass, chairs made from Lochranza whisky barrels, and intricate cut paper designs of Arran wildlife.  GLASS In a garden behind the main street of Lamlash sits a shed of invention, a Wonka-style …

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